And we’re back. With even more wrongness than before. And it’s full of cholesterol too. As always, we’d like to apologize to pretty much everybody who listens and, in this case, everyone who took part. I sound like crap because my Comcast cable was down. I promise to return to my normal level of crap sound next time.
Please note: this podcast, if you haven’t figured it out, is profane and not safe for consumption by children or animals. Or sentient creatures of any sort.
- Things that make you go moo
- Invasion of the Body Simmers
- Bosley vs. Charlie
- District 9
- The secret of Widge’s magical sun-shoes
- Canada, please take Leigh
- Weird dude at your Service
- William Shatner at DragonCon
- Leigh’s panelists
- Us vs. a DCU comic
- More about shoes (for some reason)
- Service is east bound and down (not a euphemism)
- A totally different con
- Of perverts and cougars
- The Tale of Service
- Defining Service
- We’re going to need a scorecard
- Cougardom: step by step
- Accessorizing Scott
- Defining and redefining Cabin Fever
- How are we possibly going to have enough cookies for Service and his entourage?
- Meta-Dialing Service
- Steampunk scents
- Happy Birthday, Ray
- Never Mind the Bullshit
Thanks to Jon from The Unique Geek for helping us sound good.
You can find all of our Recommendations at our Amazon Store.
As always, special thanks go out to Clutch for letting us use their absolutely badass song, “Promoter (of earthbound causes)” as our theme music for this.
Buy Blast Tyrant, which is where you can find “Promoter”. Buy their latest album, From Beale Street to Oblivion. Send them love and coin.
BTW, you iTunes subscriber types can nab this feed here. If you like us, why not rate us? We don’t bite. Mostly.
Or if you want to do something else with it, the feed feed is here.
To download this episode directly, Weekend Justice Episode 35: A Jaclyn Smith For The New Millennium, then do that thing.