Usually Last Exit To Nowhere has t-shirts with corporate logos and vacation locales. Their latest offering, however, is for a civic organization, the Sanford Neighbourhood Watch Alliance. The Neighbourhood Watch Alliance or NWA has been instrumental for keeping Sanford’s crime rate to one of the lowest in Britain. Indeed, there hasn’t been a murder in over twenty years.
The NWA membership brings together local law enforcement with Inspector Frank Butterman, local retailers like supermarket manager Simon Skinner, and other local civic leaders like Rev. Philip Shooter is a cabal to ensure that Sanford stays perfect by any means necessary. It is through the aggressive and proactive efforts of the NWA that Sanford has held the title of Village of the Year for so long. I’m sure that the transfer of Police Constable Nicholas Angel from the London Metropolitan Police will only improve the quality of life in Sanford.
Just this company’s existence make me want to diet down a shirt size. I’d keep them in business for a while. They need a Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems shirt though.
Cool! Thanks for posting about this! That’s some mean looking owls.