The madness continues. For more information, go here.
511. Armageddon With Sprinkles.
512. Vanilla Funkadelic.
513. Sex Change for Nannerpuss.
Via Sentroid91.
514. Hopes and Tapioca.
I find that I want this to be a band that’s like Ministry covered by Dead Can Dance.
515. The Matchstick Bunnies.
516. Freddie Fingers and the Persistent Lack of Data.
507. The May-Ventôse Relationship.
518. The Toffee Golems.
519. Orange Out of 10 Surrealists.
520. Even More Gone Than Gone
New band names up for grabs each Tuesday and Thursday. When we’re not…doing something else. Until we hit 700.
We’re not done. Since discovering “The Canonical List of Weird Band Names,” which consists of actual bands, I’ve decided to feature one each time, just to give some added bonus to actually reading this mess.
This time we’ve got Casiotone For the Painfully Alone and here’s his song (since it’s one guy), “The Optimist Versus The Silent Alarm.”
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Here’s his MySpace. And his official site. And you can buy CFTPA here. Enjoy.
Post-Op Nannerpuss still likes pancakes… or so i’m told. ;)
You’ve gotta add:
Lycanthro-Pope & the Holy Howlers