It’s that magic moment. You’re with that special someone(s). The lights are low and the time is right. Being a responsible adult, you reach for protection. Now you have to find them. You spend five minutes rummaging through your bed table drawer, searching your purse, or trying to find your jeans. Bit of a mood killer. Well now, there the Reflective Condom Wallet. Available in a variety of fashion colors, it has a reflective strip that makes it visible even in the moodiest of mood lighting.

Of course, you need to put something into the wallet. May we offer some suggestions?

If you have a latex allergy, putting on a regular condom is a painful and even dangerous propitiation. Alternatives materials, such as polyurethane, are rather expensive and not as flexible. But now Lifestyles Condoms has developed a new material called polyisoprene. Yeah, I have no clue what it is either. However, the new Lifestyles SKYN condoms are cheaper and quite flexible so they won’t break or slip off. This review from even says people without a latex allergy would find wearing them enjoyable. Isn’t science wonderful?
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Color me impressed. At this moment Pronto Condoms are only available in South Africa. But they are definitely up for growing their markets, as it were.

With the arctic blast that hit the States recently, surviving the cold is on everyone’s mind. Even sunny Florida got uncomfortable chilly. I know I had problems keeping my fingers and toes warm. But what about that other important extremity? The Wooldom will help keep your vital bits warm. They do need a good slogan though. How about “Crocheted, for her pleasure”.
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Condom balloon animals fucking to advertise Durex condoms. I think this is what the advertising industry call high concept. The production company who made the commercial, Superfad, has some outtakes to show. I guess even working with balloon animals can be hard. I mean difficult.

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