Australian comedian and all-around brilliant weirdo, Tim Minchin, is here with a rawk anthem for our times. NSFW for some language. This was recorded off of ABC television in Australia.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Tim’s official site can be found here. And for those of you who don’t mind songs that are slightly disturbing–which I suspect, for the most part, is the majority of you–proceed beyond the break for a bonus bit.
Here’s Tim at the Tickled Pink Breast Cancer Fundraiser at the Albert Hall. For the people on this side of the pond, that’s a venue, not a person.
I’m so glad you posted this. I caught his recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show on BBC-A and thought I’d go look him up, but then completely blanked on his name!
Minchin is great, isn’t he? His DVD is out in the UK although I couldn’t find it on Amazon UK to link to it.