The madness continues. For more information, go here.
471. The Hitler Gargoyles.
I can’t remember where I heard this, but it was in conversation.
472. All Our Pepperoni is Dead.
473. Teckmanology.
474. Lint Velocity.
475. Oregano is Not the Capital of Oregon.
476. Blood, Guts and Moonshine.
Soundtracks to testosterone-driven films and television, covered by a straight-up bluegrass band. Suggestions for what I’d like to hear: the A-Team theme…and the score of Bullitt.
477. Ashes to Ashley, Dust to Dustin.
Imagine a bubblegum pop couple in the midst of a terrible, horrendous breakup but having to perform anyway.
478. The Tabernacle Choir vs. The Zombies.
I have no idea.
479. All You Can Eat Active Ingredients.
480. Lord Umbershoot.
New band names up for grabs each Tuesday and Thursday. When we’re not…doing something else. Until we hit 700.
Wait, we’re not done. Since discovering “The Canonical List of Weird Band Names,” which consists of actual bands, I’ve decided to feature one each time, just to give some added bonus to actually reading this mess.
This time around, I’m going with Why? They’re not actually listed on the Canonical List, but I think they qualify. Here’s a song of theirs I’ve been listening to for a while now, “Dumb Hammer.” You can snag their stuff from Amazon here.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
If you go see them, tell them we said hi.
To help clear your head: I think #471 was from my twitter. I mentioned “Hitler’s Gargoyles” when referencing a SFOP.
If that’s all it took to clear my head, I’d be in much better shape…