I must say: whoever’s going to play the new Ryan, they won’t have as good a Pissed Off Face as Harrison Ford. That and while we’re waiting, I would be perfectly content with Liev Schrieber in the Without Remorse movie. Just for the record. Source: Hollywood Reporter.
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First, I am thrilled to hear that the USA Top Gear is canceled. I had never heard of Top Gear until you fine folks turned me on to it, now I can not stop watching – I even watch the reruns as they appear on my DVR – it’s a sickness. So the thought of a USA one (especially the way they were planning to do it) just did not seem right.
Next, Frank Miller might not be directing anything anytime soon… all indications are that The Spirit is going to tank. The reviews have not been good at all. RavenFace over at TUG saw it during a critics/press screening and wrote a less than favorable review. Other reviewers have taken to comparing it to Battlefield Earth. So a FM Buck Rogers might never see the light of day.
I dunno…if it’s like Battlefield Earth, then I’ll probably love it. I have yet to see a film since BE that is funnier than BE. No lie. I almost broke a rib laughing. The publicity people for the screening were seriously concerned for my well being.
I am with you Widge. Maybe Frank wanted to make something that would become camp legend. I am a serious Eisner/Miller fan. The negative pub has got me yearning for The Spirit release.