So Peter Serafinowicz, whose brilliant show you’ve hopefully caught on G4 if you’re on this side of the pond, does a series of Acting Class parodies with Ralph Fiennes, Al Pacino and yes, Michael Caine. What I did not know, until Ken clued me in, is that this is all based on a real series of acting on film classes that Caine did. Yes, sometimes I am indeed the last to know. But anyway, what are you going to do with lessons given by Caine? He’s Michael Goddamn Caine. He could tell you that if you didn’t practice your lines on a pogo stick you’re doomed and you’d believe him. Criminy. Have a taste.
Update: Sadly, the bit I had chosen has been taken down. Here’s a sliver of it. But you can see the intensity he’s shooting for regardless. You can find the rest of this on YouTube if you search. The audio’s a bit off, but it’s worth tolerating.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
However, to make up for it…here’s a bit of Serafinowicz’ take after the break.
Serafinowicz is scary at impressions. And the Bob Hoskins in this is pretty damn good as well.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
- Bloody hell, it’s out of print: but you can buy it used from Amazon here.
- It is available in book form, though. You can buy that here from Amazon.