The madness continues. For more information, go here.
421. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Prog.
422. Taxicab Concession.
423. Ye Olde Noys.
From Siege.
424. The Suckling Muppets.
425. Len’s Secret Clout.
These last two courtesy of Storm.
426. The Understated Draconians.
From Bethany P.
427. Later, Back at the Sanitarium.
428. What? No!
429. Pratchett’s Army.
Ideally, a supergroup of musicians coming together to write music behind lyrics created by different fantasy writers for each song, doing charity concerts for Alzheimer’s. Yeah, didn’t expect me to throw something serious in here, did ya?
430. The Audience Would Like a Word With You.
New band names up for grabs each Tuesday and Thursday. When we’re not…doing something else. Until we hit 700.
Wait, we’re not done. Since discovering “The Canonical List of Weird Band Names,” which consists of actual bands, I’ve decided to feature one each time, just to give some added bonus to actually reading this mess.
To kick us off, here’s Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head with “Me + Yr Daughter.” Sorry for the lack of anything moving in the video, but it was the simplest way to embed the song here.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
You can find their MySpace here. Their blog is here. Their album, Glistening Pleasure, is available here as an MP3 download from Amazon. If you want the CD, it’s available here.
If you go see them, tell them we said hi.