Tom Waits is fifty-nine years young today. But that doesn’t matter a whit: the man is immortal and you and I both know it. If you’re looking for choice Waitsian vids, I might point you to the two-part Waitsapalooza we did when he was first touring again. Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here.
To celebrate, here’s a gift for you: “Take Me Home,” one of his two most wonderful short, romantic, sad short songs. The other being “Johnsburg, Illinois.” Incidentally, Holly Cole does a tremendous cover of this….
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And because it is your birthday, Tom, I think this video is more apt today than any other. Hope you had a good day, chief.
Thanks to David Gallaher for the reminder.
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- You can find “Take Me Home” on the One From the Heart album. You can buy that here from Amazon.
- You can find “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up” on Bone Machine. You can buy that here from Amazon.
- Click here to buy Tom Waits stuff from Amazon.