Because by the time I get another Stuff done, this deal will be gone, I’m back. Remember how I said you should skip the Complete Collection of Flying Circus in favor of the 16-ton Megaset? Guess what’s on sale for $39.99, which is 60% off for today only and until they run out of stock? Yes, you guessed it. The Megaset. Go now.
That being said, to fill out this post, here’s some more endorsed theft of Python–a bit that’s not on the set I just linked to for purchase. That’s not irony, for the record, it’s just dumb on my part.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Actually, there was some method to my madness–a commenter had a great idea regarding this vid: a “Where Are They Now” on the kids in the video. Granted, it would be a miniseries, but I’d watch it.
(P.S. and slightly unrelated) If you went by the Criterion sale previously and saw things were out of stock–keep checking back over there because stuff keeps getting back in stock. Also I’ve found that a number of the titles at 40% are being matched or bettered by Amazon. So before you buy a Criterion title one place, check the other. Again, we don’t get kickbacks on the Criterion sales, but if you can get a better deal on good stuff for the holidays, we get a warm feeling. Which means we save in the long run on our heating bills.