Mr. John Hodgman sees all, knows all. And before he’s done, he will have written it all down. This is the sequel to the cheated-out-of-its-Nobel-Prize The Areas of My Expertise, which was a publishing sensation and broke all records for the number of letter Qs in a single hardback book in North America. So the second book comes complete with its list of 700 mole-man names, which is per your request. We have three copies of it in hardcover–three! And we offer the opportunity for you to win more complete world knowledge, because Needcoffee.com loves you. And so does Hodgman, in his own unique way. Enter for your chance to win–and enter once a day!
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Just exactly what I need…more information than I require. Thought I was getting a lot of that everytime I watch the news about the bailouts, the stock market and all the bad stuff.