Well, as Universal has a decent trailer for their remake of The Wolf Man–and by decent I mean not directed by Stephen Sommers–we turn our eyes back to the original 1941 classic with Claude Rains and Lon Chaney Jr.
And I must take this moment to tell you that if you don’t already own the Universal Legacy Series version of the film, you should really grab it. Four werewolf movies for $16 with a commentary on this film. Plus, naturally, it looks a helluva lot better.
Update: The movie has sadly been taken down. So until we find it again,
Speaking of werewolves, David Gallaher, friend of Needcoffee and not (to our knowledge) a werewolf, has his second series of the werewolf western High Moon underway over at Zuda. He and Steve Ellis are providing the online comic lycanthropic smackdown. They’re celebrating their first birthday on the 30th of the month. They make good things. Go give them love.
And if you want another film to watch, last year we posted Nosferatu. Buy Stuff