The madness continues. For more information, go here.
286. Cameron’s Fiery Balls
Best not to ask.
287. Magical Psych Ward Gnomes
From Siege.
288. Seekers of Thursday Afternoon.
289. Hard to Crucify Pudding.
290. Redondo the Magnificious.
A terrible stage magician who sings about being a terrible stage magician.
291. Dr. Zebra and Mr. Horse.
292. The Pathogens Not Taken.
293. The Spicy Mustard Enthusiasts.
294. Tears of a Mopey Kitten
An emo band crossed with a Sanrio store.
295. Boom Goes the Goldfish.
New band names up for grabs each Tuesday and Thursday. When we’re not…doing something else. Until we hit 700.