Other sites want to take a nugget of information you give a shit about and write 600 words about it: trouble is, that means you have about 550 words too many to have to read. We give you a barrage of news in nuggets that you can digest easily and get on with your day. You’re welcome. (Granted, we don’t know what goddamn day it is anymore, but that’s the sacrifice we make.)
Bernie Mac is apparently in a Chicago hospital in critical condition with pneumonia.
I hope him a speedy recovery. Pneumonia is not a cold. It can become pulminary and really screw with your system and weaken it. My dad died a year after getting pnuemonia it wrecked his system.
Scared straight. You watch that show now and it is funny.
Why can we just jail and bail Nick Cage. People have to call in with donations to let him out. If he raises enough money, he can do the movie.
A version of pneumonia is what killed Henson. So yeah, that’s never something to shrug off.
And as for Cage, you know, a lot of people don’t like him. I have a hard time feeling animosity towards him, probably because in high school I watched RAISING ARIZONA about 167 times.