Few people get to play with full-size life-like dinosaurs. And by “play with,” I mean actually play with, although some paleontologists might want to split hairs about that. You know, have them actually do these, like the maniacs behind this. And few people get to actually screw around with big skeletons, a la Harryhausen.
But John Payne made these incredible sculptures that either were geared up to move by themselves or could be worked like amazing marionettes. Or more recently, it seems, be operated wirelessly with motion detectors setting them off. You can check out his works like the Crow with the fourteen-foot wingspan or an amazing plesiosaur that “swims” in air. Unfortunately, the occasion for me finding these things is word from Coilhouse that the artist has passed away at 58 due to a massive stroke. Go see the movies on his site to see his art in motion. Our best goes out to his family and friends.