Okay, so Salvador Dali. It’s no secret that I love this guy’s work. In fact, it appears I haven’t told this story on the site.
So, I’m in New York on one of those high school package trips. You know the kind: end to end, your schedule is planned out, you pay a single price and you’re covered. We were there with a group from a small town in the midwest. I keep the details out just to protect the innocent. We show up at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and we’re short on time. The tour guide guy says, “Okay, we don’t have a lot of time, so is there anything anybody would really like to see?” Since nobody was speaking up I asked, “Do they have any Dali?” The guide checked and, sure enough, they had one on display. So we trek through the Met on a journey to see the Dali. Long story short it’s Dali’s Crucifixion. It’s in a stairwell of the museum. And so I’m standing there just taking in the first time I’ve ever seen a Dali work live and in person, and someone from the other high school pipes up: “Oh! Salvador Dali! We thought you meant Dolly Parton and didn’t know what she’d be doing here.”
Completely true story. Anyway, this documentary tries to delve into what inspired Dali to create the things he did. So I’m in. Are you in? Because I’ve got a spare copy here you could win. You just have to enter…
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That’s a good one,but many people DON’T know who Dali is,let alone alot of other people.Anyway,this would be fantastic to have.
Paula: I barely know who I am, so I know exactly what you mean.