There’s apparently a television tower in Prague that has shadow babies crawling up the outside of it. No, honest. They were an art installation that was supposed to be temporary. Now, I’ll let you go to Deputy Dog to see the final picture–which is the punchline. But you go see that and tell me if you think it’s because they were so well received–or just nobody wanted to go up there and touch the damn things once they were in place.
And then somebody go check on Scott. Because this might muck up his head a bit. Though not as bad as when I posted this.
I want a creepytower here in Jacksonville. Or maybe we can find a way of attaching them to the First Baptist Lighthouse eye sore that is in town.
Anyway, below is a link for Mark Jenkins outside installation work.
Mark Jenkins has been creating beautiful creepy kids out of tape for some time. The cool thing anyone can create their own tape family, since the process is not that hard.
Rox: That’s great stuff. I love the carousel horses.
Excellent. My work here is done.