Directed by Benny Chan, who brought you New Police Story and Rob-B-Hood, he now throws at your head Invisible Target, starring Jacky Wu Jing, Shawn Yue, Nicholas Tse, Jaycee Chan (son of Jackie), Andy On and Lin Feng-Jiao. This is a two-disc ulty edition and you can find the full list of goodness after the break. But before the break, I must tell you that we have two spare copies here that we want two of you to win. And to win, you must enter. So if you want action, splode and guns–enter below. And enter once a day. Because we’re crazy enough to let you.
The two-disc set has a surprising array of goodness: deleted and extended scenes; a commentary by Jaycee Chan, Yue, On and HK film expert Bey Logan; a making-of bit; interviews with Jaycee Chan, Benny Chan, Yu, Philip Ng, Vincent Sze, and a mini-slew of featurettes. Nice. I will say this for Dragon Dynasty, which is out from Genius and Weinstein–they try to load up their discs. Which we appreciate.
Contest is closed! Thanks for playing.
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