Viper Comics, friend to you and me, is getting into the horror business. They’re launching Black Mamba Books, an imprint specializing in horror comics and graphic novels. They’re talking to a bunch of folks about bringing their goods to the table. Those folks include Tony “Candyman” Todd, actress Christa Campbell and, yes, The Frog Brothers from The Lost Boys: Jamison Newlander and Corey Feldman.
The lead-off book, though, is…Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. It hits in October, and is based on the original film, so don’t expect the franchise to take a Clive Barker-esque turn or anything. Although…that might be terribly amusing. Huh. Where was I?
Right. This, of course, ahead of the upcoming remake (which we’ve mentioned before). This Tomatoes book from Black Mamba is being scribed by Dale Mettam and with art by Erich Owen. Editing duties are handled by Greg Blohm and Joe Bauer. Sample art after the jump. For those planning to attend San Diego Comic-Con, Viper will have an advance edition of Issue 1. It’s available to a “select few,” which probably means you might have to offer up animal sacrifices or the like. Please check at the Viper booth for details.