In a follow-up to my last post about Sitemap Generator: I was running 3.0.3 when I upgraded to WordPress 2.5 and then 2.5.1. But posting was a pain because it took forever to get the sitemap built. I chalked this up yesterday to our hard drive problem.
But checking it out today, I see that it was a change in 2.5 breaking the plugin. Or if the word “breaking” is too strong, then “annoying the hell out of” will work as well.
Per the plugin meister, Arne Brachhold, “There was a change in the WordPress 2.5 caching system which resulted in a database query for every post when the sitemap was created. Because of this, it is likely that the script run into the memory or time limit.” And with, the issue appears to be resolved.
Well done, Arne. If you were having this issue as well, go snag the latest version.