For those of you at New York Comic-Con who enjoy a bit of alcohol, here’s a brief addendum to our previous list of comic-inspired drinks that Doc and I conspired on. If you try these, let us know how it goes.
The Spider Jerusalem. The highest proof liquor in the liquor cabinet, plus a handful of random pills from the medicine cabinet.
The Filthy Assistant. The beer you chase the Spider with.
The Quitely. The drink you’re allergic to and it makes your face swell up.
The Hitch. The drink that takes forever to show up. In all fairness, when it finally does arrive, it tastes great.
The Liefeld. A drink so strong it makes you feel like you don’t have feet anymore.
The Alan Moore. Absinthe and whiskey. Served with a large snake. With a button of peyote in the bottom. Of the snake.