Terry Pratchett yesterday announced that he’s donating $1M to research for Alzheimer’s. This after he was diagnosed in December with an early onset version of the disease.
He said, “Part of me lives in a world of new age remedies and science, and some of the science is a little like voodoo, but science was never an exact science, and personally I’d eat the arse out of a dead mole if it offered a fighting chance.” He also said “I intend to scream and harangue while there is time.”
I’ve personally lost two grandparents to Alzheimer’s, so I feel for him. And I’m sure his carrying on will help the cause. So scream on, Brother Terry. We’re right there with you.
In related news, the British Association for the Advancement of Dead Moles was quick to point out that there are no scientific studies linking them with Alzheimer’s cures. They said this while remaining seated. And also dead.
Thankee to Rox, who sent us this.