Ken just sent me this. And I don’t know which is worse…the idea of Cobra Command and The Empire joining forces…
…or the sad fact that I think the female Cobra soldier is kinda hot.
I feel like such a traitor. Damn my pathetic male geek soul!
Ken just sent me this. And I don’t know which is worse…the idea of Cobra Command and The Empire joining forces…
…or the sad fact that I think the female Cobra soldier is kinda hot.
I feel like such a traitor. Damn my pathetic male geek soul!
Copyright © 1998 to Present by One Tusk Industries.
Don’t be so pessimistic. They could be cooperating on a joint venture for a new helmet rub.
I hope like hell they’re just giving congrats after a nasty rap battle between the two of them and that video surfaces of it soon.
Also, evil women are hot. Always, even if they’re just lackies.