Who or what is the Dock Walloper? Well, the easy answer is this: a comic book from Virgin Comics created by actor/director Edward Burns, written by Jimmy Palmiotti, with art by Siju Thomas. The dictionary says a dock walloper is “a casual laborer about docks or wharves.” But the alternate definition, from Burns, Palmiotti and Thomas, is a guy nicknamed “The Hand” in New York City in the 1920s who’s got…wait for it…an abnormally large hand that he can use to beat your ass if called for.
John “The Hand” Smith’s “massive right hand is nearly twice as large as his left, and when push comes to shove, you’d pity anyone that gets in his way.”
Of course you would! Look at that artwork! You get shoved by that hand, you might go through a wall! Criminy!
Smith is the star of the comic, a five-issue miniseries. And we have two copies of the first issue to give away. But not just regular copies–copies signed by scribe Jimmy Palmiotti.
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