Okay, so it looks like Harper Collins is offering Neil Gaiman’s Odd and the Frost Giants in October of this year. It’s being offered for World Book Day in the UK in March. For those of us on the wrong side of the pond, here’s an explanation of World Book Day from The Neil himself.
Now, here’s the link to the Amazon page. Here’s the link to the Amazon UK page, where it’s available for £1.00. Lump in the shipping to the US and it’s £7.98. Which right now is close to $16 and by the time
October rolls around will be closer to $160, no doubt.
So for those of you wondering when it’s going to hit our shores, there you have it. Unless you’re holding out for different cover art, eh, you’re paying an extra dollar and getting it months early. Go ahead and order it from Amazon UK.
Update: The Neil states that Harper Collins states that it’s a screw-up on Amazon’s part. The book won’t hit America until next year. All the more reason to buy it from Amazon UK.