There’s a lot of sexy content floating about. I got these little news items and reviews and I didn’t want to try to fill out whole posts on them. So I figured I’d make one big thick post. Just think of it as little nibbles to your favorite area.
Sexuality blog on About.com reports on ‘expose’ of illegal sex toys.
So there were no fires, murders, or government corruption to report on. Instead this reporter gives a sex shop grief for selling an ‘illegal’ vibrator. First, the Ministry officially calls shenanigans on Mississippi for such a silly law. Second, we put even more shenanigans on reporter Kandiss Crone for not developing an equally titillating story that doesn’t interfere with the business of “Adult Video and Booksâ€. Sloth is a sin too. Found on BoingBoing Gadgets.
“Sex In Progress” Lamp
A tie on the doorknob is far too subtle. Let your freak flag fly. Found by Gizmodo

A review of Filthy Chocolate’s Kinky Crème Brûlée Bites from Chocablog.
Two words. Choc tease.
A review of Secrets & Desires by Hotel Chocolat again from Chocoblog.
It’s nice to see that the unwrapping of the package is as enjoyable as what is inside.
Nudists get their own flight.
I’m sorry, but I can’t get behind the whole nudist/naturalists movement. They think being naked shouldn’t be erotic or sexual. Then what’s the fucking point?