For our final day of 32 Days of Halloween, here’s a few odds and ends as we start to sweep up.
First up, we’ve got a bit with Boris Karloff from the 60s, where he’s guest host for…well, I have no idea. But I’m with Boris…all those people, the host, the bands backstage no doubt, the audience. That’s some scary shit, man.
Update: Alas, this vid is no more. And I don’t have enough information here to figure out exactly what I posted. Oh, never grow old, children. The mind just goes…
Update Update: Bloody hell…here it is! Just now figured out what we did and then figured out we reposted it!
Sadly, I couldn’t find any interview footage with Lon Chaney, but I will offer up this very odd piece: it’s Chaney, Jr. playing Frankenstein on live television in 1952. I can only assume the bit here is a substitute for tossing the girl in the lake?
Direct link for the feedreaders.
And lastly, a brief interview with Lugosi, who was apparently returning from Europe after some work over there, including the 1952 film Vampire Over London. I would love to have seen Lugosi’s Cyrano.
Direct link for the feedreaders.