Okay, so it’s not enough that I have to drool all over my keyboard whenever the subject of the WETA rayguns comes up. But now, thanks to Brass Goggles letting us know, there’s even more fantastic art out there that I’d love to have on hand. We’re talking Raku Ray Guns here.
Check out the Mothra Transmogrifier there. Just gorgeous. Here’s what they have to say for themselves:
Raku Ray Guns are one-of-a-kind ceramic sculptures made by West Magoon. They are inspired by alien technology unearthed at a secret UFO crash site, known only to a tribe of Wyoming Hill People. Each is named after a classic science fiction author or character.
They all come with moon crater wall plaques. Too cool. If I ever get the safari room in my house that I want, one of those on the wall would do nicely.