A couple of bits from Chazzie-nominated Ricky Jay, one of my favorite magicians. Just like Derren Brown is scary with your head, Ricky Jay is downright terrifying when armed with a pack of cards.
And yes, you’re not hallucinating (at least about this): Ricky has shown up in a slew of film and television roles, including recently, Deadwood. Of course, if you haven’t ever seen him do his thing before, you’re in a for a treat. Here he is in a film called The Ranger, the Cook, and a Hole in the Sky. And no, he’s not screwing around: that’s really him doing that.
Update: The video is now non-embeddable: go here to see it.
It gets even better after the break.
From 1988 on the Arsenio show (remember him?), Ricky proceeds to screw with the host’s head big time. Genius.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Also, that book he’s promoting there, Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women, is excellent, as are all of his books. A lot of them are out of print, but if you’re looking for something for the magic-lover for a gift, nab one. They’re fascinating reading.