Well, since our review of the first Dog the Bounty Hunter DVD is consistently one of our most popular pages–and the comments would be probably over 500 by now if we hadn’t closed down comments to keep the site from melting down due to the spam bastards–we thought we would pass the word.
Anyway, the gist is this: Mexico has let Dog go.
If you recall, he was taken back to Mexico after he committed the terrible crime of bringing a convicted rapist to justice back in 2003. But apparently time heals all wounds…and all statue of limitations. Check it out, from the press release:
The court dismissed all of the charges because the statute of limitation on the criminal counts pending against them had expired, said Alberto Zinser and Jim Quadra, Mexican and U.S. attorneys for the Chapman family. In turn, all the pending charges were effectively cancelled. Chapman and his fellow hunters were awarded “absolute and immediate freedom” by the Mexican court.
Hooray Mexican justice. And I’m sure the jail cell where he’s been staying down there is going to be turned into a tourist attraction. But, you know, more power to it.