But that’s okay, because I went through college on the five year plan and speaking for my fellow staff members, we have earned the right to let out a huge whew because it’s you tromping off to class in just a few weeks and not us.
People always ask me if I intend to go back to school, as though my first run through the educational gauntlet didn’t fuck me up enough.
But to the point: for those of you who are unfortunate enough to not have your degrees yet, there’s two things we know you need.
1) You need to stay awake and stay (relatively) sane. You know that we’re here for you in spirit with all the crazy crap we can muster for when you’re up at three in the morning and you need a good stress reliever before you finish that paper.
2) You need money. While we can’t help you there, because we need money too, we found a way we both can win. Amazon is having a 30% off new textbooks sale for a limited time. And they have used textbooks for up to 90% off. You don’t spend so much, we get some kickbacks. Everybody happy.
Back when we were your age, all we could do was drive to the off campus used book store and pray that somebody had unloaded that 900-page tome on the Roman Empire so we could save some coin. But you whippersnappers have choices. Go here to check out the Textbook store at Amazon.
Oh, and you’ll need either this link or this link. And remember, Peter: with crushing amounts of caffeine comes crushing amounts of responsibility. Thanks.