Oh man, I want one. Ectoplasmosis points us to this Cthulhu-themed chess set by a user over at Wet Canvas named eclectix. Check this out:
- The kings (Cthulhu) have precious stones for eyes; the white piece has spherical lab-created rubies, the black piece has salt water pearls.
- The queen is Nyarlathotep (has a single large tentacle for a face).
- The bishops are Father Dagon/ Mother Hydra (take your pick).
- The knights are Hounds of Tindalos (the knights move in angles, and in the mythos the hounds are supposed move through angles).
- The rooks are shoggoths
- The pawns are Deep Ones.
Positively badass. He says he creates sets on a commission basis for about US$585. Christ, why couldn’t I have picked a better paying job than webmastering? I weep.
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