Say what you want about Civil War. I know I have. But there is something to be said for seeing the (temporarily) late Captain America in limited edition bust form. They’re limited to 2000 in number and they’re a $50 value.
Well, here’s the drill. We’ve partnered up with Diamond Select Toys yet again and there’s one of these busts in it for you if you win.
Now, I’ll say this here and make it loud and clear because we’re doing something different on this contest, just like the last contest with Diamond Select. Part of the deal is by entering, your e-mail address and name will be given to Diamond Select Toys so they can add you to their marketing list. They won’t sell or redistribute them, they just want them for themselves. That’s a fair cop. But there’s no opt-out. If you’re not comfortable with that, just flat don’t enter. Cool? Cool.
Contest is closed! Thanks for playing.
But don’t despair! For the latest in contestage, check out the site here.