Dylan Williams of Sparkplug Comic Books just sent this out. If you don’t know Sparkplug, they publish some great indie fare, including some really excellent stuff… like Watching Days Become Years and the magnificent WTF-ery of Tales to Demolish.
Sparkplug Comic Books is on our way to the A.P.E. tonight but before we head out on the car ride I’d like to announce the publication of two new books and send out some info about the shows.
A.P.E. will be the premiere of two new books:Windy Corner Magazine #1 by Austin English and friends:
Windy Corner Magazine will be an ongoing outlet for cartoonists to write about (and draw about) the art of cartooning. Interviews in every issue will employ artists interviewing artists about the nuts and bolts (technical and mental) of drawing. Commissioned comic strips by one artist about a stylistically similar master will also be a regular feature.
Bookhunter by Jason Shiga:
Bookhunter is an action-packed crime thriller about the library police. You know, the people they send after you when you have a book overdue. Shiga works as a librarian, and this book pulses with the blood and sweat of real-life experience, coupled with the clear desire to mislead innocent people about what librarians do all day.
We’ll be selling books at Table 309 (next to Global Hobo) this weekend April 21st and 22nd. Not only will we be selling Bookhunter and Windy Corner #1 but we will be carrying the full line of books Published by Bodega, Manx Media, LaMano21, Typocrat, Teenage Dinosaur and Aron Nels Steinke. We’ll also have a T-shirt or two designed by Renee French. That table is gonna be packed.
Artists Austin English, Jeff LeVine, Eric Haven, Mats!?, Trevor Alixopulos, Renee French, Kazimer Strzepek and Tim Goodyear will be around during the show.
At the same time all the way over in Columbus Ohio, Bodega will be selling their books and Sparkplug Books at the SPACE convention, April 21-22. If you are at the show make sure to stop by. They won’t have Bookhunter and Windy Corner but they will have a ton of other stuff (thanks to their magnanimous nature).
Check out their store here. They’ve started distributing books from folks they like. Mighty neighborly. Tell them we said hi.