Anime Snack Time is a podcast created by a group of half-mad Aussie guys, sitting around and talking about anime. They are the madness behind the Australian Madman Entertainment company, which sells anime, Asian films, merchandise, etc. The guys talk about news, such as new releases, anniversaries, and convention reports, as well as reviewing and discussing old favorites and new shows, both major trends and overlooked gems. A recent show, for example, addressed the huge splash Naruto is making in the market, and the real worth the show has, in part because of the real conflicts Naruto is having. They’re also great about introducing new, possibly obscure shows, like Speed Grapher to their listeners, so you might just find a new favorite.
The show basically has the feel of sitting around talking with your friends about anime, at times picking up information you didn’t know from them and enjoying talking with people who know what they’re talking about and just genuinely love the genre. If you can’t get enough anime, are new to your anime-love and want to learn more, or just want to hang out with some people who love the same things you do, then Anime Snack Time is for you.