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Archive - 2006

Goodbye, Engineer Joe

“The Loneliest Probe” says more about life in this modern world than any of us want to face. I may be giggling but on the inside I’m sobbing and demanding booze. Join me.
Found via Screenhead.

Recommendations: Books & CDs

Audiobook of the Week: The Twits by Roald Dahl, performed by Simon Callow. If all you know of Dahl is the Chocolate Factory movies, you’re really doing yourself a disservice. His other fiction, both...[more]

Odds and Ends for 2-26-2006

Coffee table of the future? I’m guessing coasters would be mandatory. Found via Slashdot. Okay, this will make you feel filthy in a strange, inexplicable way. The Dead Walk! Okay, not really, but we wanted you to...[more]

Mutant X: Season 2, Set 1 DVD

Mutant X Season 2, Set 1 (2002) – DVD Review

Dindrane says, "In short, if you like mutant shows and/or comic books, then at least give this show a look. It has a solid fan-base among comic fandom, so it obviously pleases someone. It may be trendy to publicly mock...[more]

You Say You Want a Revolution… once again provides for your viewing pleasure with images of the growing Revolution. This time, we are treated to the more artistic side of Our Soldiers as they demonstrate their musical prowess. Clearly...[more]

RIP: Don Knotts

Henry Limpet, Theodore Ogelvie, Ralph Furley, and, of course, Barney Fife, among many others. You made all of us laugh during your career of much hugeness. Time to lay that single bullet down and get some well-deserved...[more]

Win Some Kong!

You know WETA Workshop. They’re the badasses who make all the neat things come to life so that Peter Jackson can rock your socks off with effects. Now we’ve got a contest with WETA Collectibles, the badasses...[more]

Be the Chalk!

This sweet generator lets you put words in Einstein’s chalk. No matter how odd. Or true. Or both.
Found at Lawgeek by way of Boing Boing.