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Archive - 2006

Honey, This Machine Just Called Me an Asshole

What do you do when your coffee pot is possessed? Buy another one and keep the wicked one around for entertainment and website purposes when the spirts decide to speak, we guess. Don’t even snicker, you’d do...[more]

Roomba Pool?

In the biggest man vs. machine face-off since Kasparov first went up against Deep Blue, at SXSW, where apparently there’s something really wacky in the water, it was man-controlled Roomba vs. Skynet-controlled...[more]

Prepare for a Timesuck of Epic Proportions

Gamespy has got a most excellent write-up of games from the Independent Games Festival. Downloadable free games by the truckload that are actually good. Between this and green beer, your weekend has officially been shot...[more]

Kermit St. Patrick's Day cookie cutter

Enjoy Your Emerald Shenanigans

A very short Muppets bit, but any old school Muppets is good Muppets, we say. They’re here to sing a snippet of “Danny Boy” for you, and for a lot of you, you’ll be singing like this in just a...[more]

Reason #17,514 That Your School Sucked

You didn’t get to build a roller coaster. Found via Neatorama. Update: Doc, Siege, and Tobias have already IMed me about this, so just to clarify–I meant you didn’t get a build a roller coaster legally...[more]

Bring That Good Pain

Well, guys, it appears you have a choice: your prostrate or your tastebuds. Most of us here on the staff are already in the clear, but which will you choose? Siege will shortly be offering up his Flykiller Chili Recipe...[more]

Why July 30, 1964 Should Mean Something to You

Lileks rocks. Apart from getting nominated for a Chazzie for his latest book, Mommy Knows Worst, he’s still drudging up the past and leading us all in a good scoff party on the section of his site known as The...[more]

They’re Used to Seeing Me With the Turtle

We’ve seen lots of crazy people doing stuff with Roombas. They hack them to do stuff. Have battles. They even dress them up in costumes. Okay, dressing your most assuredly non-anthropomorphic robot vacuum cleaner...[more]