Lisa Snellings is not only an incredible artist but she’s a truly nice person. Which makes her work even more awesome, in my humble opinion.
First things first: go check out the eBay auction where you can ponder how hard it can possibly be to knock over a bank. I mean…go check out that carousel. Who wouldn’t want that?
Then after you’ve had a good cry, go check out her Halloween Sale, since there’s other stuff there that’s just as cool. Although Blad Ratcula cannot be denied. He has dominion.
We received word from The Neil.
Hey widge,
Thanks for the props. Seen any good movies lately?
As for myself, I can’t wait until The Fountain.
Arronofsky is the shit.
Pete: What’s up, chief? Fountain–can’t wait. Also, 300 looks badass. I can’t remember the last time I actually went to the cinema. No life, no life, no life. Never become a webmaster.