Well, when I saw that Fairytale Brownies have the URL “brownies.com,” I figured they must not be screwing around. So we received some to try out of curiosity because, well, it’s just a public service we provide here. You’re welcome.
For those of you who’ve had my brownies (not those kind of brownies, ya freaks), you know that they’re huge, mutant monstrosities, packed with so much chocolate that they can almost be classified as weapons and are probably illegal in some states.
Fairytale Brownies, as you can see from the picture there, are much more subdued. They’re not huge, they’re not overly thick, because they don’t need to be. They’re made of Belgian chocolate and the extra bits, like the chunks (and I do mean chunks) that come in the toffee brownies, are just right. You can easily share one of these with someone else and not feel cheated, because they’re damn rich. They’re not overpowering, they’re just…satisfying.
[ad#longpost]The toffee crunch ones were generally agreed upon to be the best, although honestly there wasn’t a bad specimen in the bunch. Also sampled were the original (plain), chocolate chip, walnut, peanut butter and raspberry swirl.
Most impressive of all, we think, is the price. You can get a dozen brownies for $32, which considering the quality of these things–and that one brownie can vanquish two folks easily–is a damn good bargain. If you’re trying to snag them for parties, they sell mini-brownies (called “Sprites”) as well.
Bottom line is these things are excellent. We’re working here to come up with an excuse or “special occasion” to order another batch. Check out their website for more info.