Just got the e-mail: we were close. We cast him in Sweeney Todd. But now he’s gotten himself the role of Judas in a tour of Jesus Christ Superstar.
Yes, Corey Glover is going to wail as Judas. That just made this Monday a lot easier to bear.
Check out the tour dates on his site for more info. Alas, the site is dead. Oh dear.
Buy Stuff
Rock. Now if only I had a chance in hell of actually seeing a performance.
Damn,I was saving this for the column!
A perfect fit.
I just found out about this today, and damned if I wasn’t able to score tickets to the performance in Macon Ga. tonight.
Ya’ wanna know something weird? I just found my old CD of VIVID the other day & I’ve been listening to it in the car all week.
Gary: Lucky bastage. Let us know how it is, chief. I can only hope they come out with a soundtrack album.