I’ve said a number of bad things about Dan Brown. Let’s face it. He’s a hack. And if you think The DaVinci Code was the best book in the year it came out, then you just don’t read very much. Or if you do, you need to broaden your literary horizons. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.
Anyway, Brown is a hack, but he’s a hack who knows how to make the most of a marketing opportunity, so he’s rich and I’m a shmoe running a website. I’m okay with that. But God forbid I ever write something that gets so big that the How Stuff Works site has to step in to point out all the shit I got wrong. When you’re pointing out that the kind of soap in a bathroom is botched, you’ve gone beyond those annoying movie gaffe squad folks and have hit a level of sublime nit picking that I have to respect.
Read their fact smackdown here.
Image, of course, by Banksy.