Slurp water or gel or both? Does this sound palatable to anyone? I mean, if it really delivers the goods, bring on the gel. But…you know, I’m insane and definitely not a role model.
Ah crap, I knew it: the damn thing’s an egg. Make peace with your gods. Found via Digg.
You’ve always wanted to shoot your alarm clock. Now you can.
Pop quiz, hotshot. You’re working at McDonald’s. It’s break time and you need to eat. But you’re working at McDonald’s. What are you going to do, huh? What the hell are you going to do? Found via the Consumerist.
Ginormous Lego aircraft carrier. Where do you maniacs find the time for this shit?
And speaking of maniacs, the winners of Engadget’s second birthday cake contest have to be seen to be believed. If you do nothing else today, make sure you watch the video of the Treo 650 cake that actually works. Mind-destroying.