Logan Darrow Clements is our hero. Why? Because he’s started the process necessary, in the town of Weare, New Hampshire, of taking privately owned land from a homeowner and turning it into a hotel. This is because private property rights in America have just been turned on their head by the Supreme Court: all you have to do is prove that you can bring in more revenue for the local government than a homeowner (not hard to do), and bingo–eminent domain can kick in and you can kick the homeowner out!
Why in the world would we be in favor of this? Because Clements wants to build this:
The proposed development, called “The Lost Liberty Hotel” will feature the “Just Desserts Café” and include a museum, open to the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America. Instead of a Gideon’s Bible each guest will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged.”
And he wants to build it where Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter’s home is now. Read the full press release here. We heartily endorse Clements and will probably invest capital in this endeavor when the time is right.
Found via Boing Boing and definitely worth the front page treatment. Spread the word.
Update: Thanks to Chuck Muth, we have addresses.
If you’d like to contact the Weare, New Hampshire board of selectmen to urge them to snatch Souter’s home and move forward on “The Lost Liberty Hotel,” see below:
Laura Buono, Chair Person
lbuono@weare.nh.govLeon Methot, Vice-Chair
lmethot@weare.nh.govHeleen Kurk
hkurk@weare.nh.govJoseph Fiala
jfiala@weare.nh.govDonna Osborne
I urge you to contact them and I also urge you to be courteous and sane when you do so. And use spell check–it’s your friend.
Update: Here’s mine:
To the honorable selectmen of Weare NH…
I will be perfectly honest and admit to you that I had never even heard of Weare before reading the press release regarding the proposed Lost Liberty Hotel at 34 Cilley Hill Road. Even if I had heard of Weare, I, again in all honesty, probably would not have considered your town as a possible destination for myself and my family to visit.
Now, I find myself very interested in Weare. If this Hotel goes forward, I would, with all seriousness, like to invest in its creation and would like to visit it once it is complete. And I know there are countless Americans across the country who feel the same way as I do. So this hotel is a perfect opportunity to increase cash flow for your town, as it will inevitably draw visitors and the dollars and taxes that visitors inevitably bring.
Therefore I respectfully ask that you give full consideration to Mr. Clements’ proposal and urge you to vote yes for the commercial development of 34 Cilley Hill Road.
Thank you for your time.
I love it! This is the best news I’ve heard all week!
BWAHAHAHAHA! Irony times 1000
all you have to do is prove that you can bring in more revenue for the local government than a homeowner (not hard to do), and bingo–eminent domain can kick in and you can kick the homeowner out!
You mean money is at the heart of all decisions in America, and not something like ethics, justice, mercy, or what is right?!?