Yup, here’s another contest for you. Geneon is throwing five Appleseed DVDs our way, and we’re going to throw them your way…provided you we draw your name at random. And provided, obviously, that you first enter the contest.
Yup, here’s another contest for you. Geneon is throwing five Appleseed DVDs our way, and we’re going to throw them your way…provided you we draw your name at random. And provided, obviously, that you first enter the contest.
Copyright © 1998 to Present by One Tusk Industries.
i cant believe it thank god
It’s very cruel that staff can’t enter, by the way. Fair of course, but cruel.
As of 8:41 am EST the link to the Appleseed contest appears to be down.
Huh. How the hell did we manage that? Okay, should be fixed. Thanks, Ralph.