Three Men and a Little Lady (1990)
Review by Thespia

Directed by Emile Ardolino
Written by Charlie Peters, based on a story by Josann McGibbon & Sara Parriott, which was in turn based on characters originally taken from the screenplay Trois Hommes Et Un Couffin by Coline Serreau
Starring Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson, Nancy Travis, Robin Weisman

Anamorphic: No.

My Advice: No reason not to stick with VHS.

It’s been five years since three bachelors (Selleck, Guttenberg, and Danson) first found a precious little package lying (and crying) on their doorstep (you know, in the first flick?). Now the little package is a little lady who is jumping on beds, starting school, and asking questions about male anatomy in the middle of restaurants. All three daddies are getting the hang of parenthood just when their unorthodox family threatens to fall apart...and they get a chance to find just how unappealing bachelorhood has become.

Making a good sequel to a blockbuster film is no easy task, but the creators of Three Men and a Little Lady did a wonderful job. The film retains all of the charm of its predecessor, but does not rely completely on the original for its entertainment value. It is a good movie in its own right, and although a little background information is required to understand the action, the plot is much more than a re-hashing of the original. All three actors reprise their roles well, Travis is in fine enough form, and Weisman is appropriately adorable and rambunctious.

As for the DVD itself, I was very disappointed in the lack of any features--we're not even graced with a trailer here. Not only would it be interesting to have some insight into what it was like to film in the English countryside (the setting of much of the movie), but also what it was like to work with a five-year-old. I'm sure we couldn't get a commentary out of this film (and sadly, director Ardolino is no longer with us), but a featurette from the three leads would have been nice. Weisman apparently hasn't worked since 1994, so a "Where Are They Now?" thing would have been nice. Or a slide show of still shots. Or cast/crew bios. Anything. Sadly, though, there is nothing.

Three Men and a Little Lady is charming, funny, and a great “feel good” movie. If you liked the first one, you will like this one. As for the DVD, unless you want to buy the movie in a more permanent format than VHS, the lack of features make it not worth spending the money on the disc.

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