Well, since we did a Lugosi serial last year about this time (The Phantom Creeps), it only makes sense to go back to the serial well and bring you something else along those lines. More on that in a moment.
First up, I think many of our readers will know about the Roald Dahl-led British series, Tales of the Unexpected. I did not realize, however, that a similar show ran for fourteen episodes stateside. In typical American nomenclature it was called Way Out. Here we have the episode “William and Mary,” which has been adapted from Dahl’s story multiple times (including once for Tales).
Next up, because you can never have enough of either Price or Poe, it’s Vincent Price reading “Berenice,” the odontophobic’s ultimate nightmare story.
And lastly, three and a half hours of serial movie goodness: The Whispering Shadow from 1933. An evil so-and-so can kill via radio control. And he must be stopped before he conquers the entire world! Madness! Enjoy!